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Pilot Onboarding Training

The following onboarding process was developed to bring new pilots into CAP in a standardized, convenient, and effective manner. To start the onboarding process new pilots must first complete Level 1 Professional Development and General Emergency Services coursework. New pilots whose only intent is to fly gliders or only serve as Instructor Pilots for cadet flight training need only complete Level 1 Professional Development. This onboarding process is voluntary, but highly recommended. Click here for an Overview Video of the onboarding program!

Onboarding Pilot Instructions:

  1. Work with your Instructor Pilot or Mentor to complete your training plan (Instructor and Mentor Resources)
  2. Complete all sections, tasks, homework assignments, and exams identified in your training plan and given to you by your Instructor Pilot/Mentor.
  3. Watch all assigned videos and use slides, as necessary, to complete assignments. 
  4. Once you start this process, plan to make steady progress until you complete your CAPF 70-5 Check Ride. 
  5. Complete the Check Ride Readiness Checklist with your Instructor Pilot prior to scheduling a Check Ride with a Check Pilot.
  6. All hyperlinks for referenced materials identified in the videos can be found in the slides. 

Onboarding Training Sections

Additional Resources

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