Rocky Mountain Region
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Mountain Flying Certification

Mountain Flying Certification required for SAR/DR Mission Pilots to gain the experience to search in close proximity to terrain and for biannual recurring training for the CAPF 70-91.

To complete initial Mountain Flying Certification, watch the video then take the exam. Present the exam to a Skills Evaluator for Mountain Flying for grading. After the exam is graded, post the last page of the exam to Ops Quals prior to your CAPF 70-91. The exam is open book, so you may use all reference materials. 

For biannual Mountain Flying Certification, take the exam. Present the exam to a Skills Evaluator for Mountain Flying for grading. After the exam is graded, post the last page of the exam to Ops Quals prior to your CAPF 70-91.




Reference Materials:

Instructor Materials:

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