Rocky Mountain Region
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Mission Training


The following mission aircrew training courses are offered as a training alternative to the traditional one-on-one or in-person classroom instruction methods—these courses offer video instruction for mission aircrew students to learn at their convenience outside of a scheduled classroom environment. The coursework is based on the latest National Emergency Services Academy training materials, but updated to reflect the equipment (G1000, Becker DF), tools (ForeFlight) and environment (high density altitude and terrain) common to the Rocky Mountain Region. The use of these courses also serves to optimize the Skill Trainer or Evaluator’s time while ensuring a complete and standardized training approach is employed. 

How to use: 

  1. Access the desired course. 
  1. Complete the training video. 
  1. Take the course exam. The exam is open book so you may use the video, course slides or reference materials as a resource. 
  1. Provide the exam results to a unit or wing Skills Evaluator for grading. An 80% score is required to pass. 
  1. Schedule a training ground or flight sortie.  

Students: Check with your unit Emergency Services Training or Operations Officer prior to use of these courses. You must watch the video and pass the test to get credit for a course. 

Skills Evaluators: Plan to go over the results of the course exam with the student regardless of results. Once the exam is graded and the student achieves a passing score of 80% or higher, sign off the non-Demonstration SQTR tasks in Ops Quals (see the ‘Mission Aircrew SET Demonstration Tasks’ excel document (Mission Aircrew SET Demo Tasks)). Contact your wing Director of Operations or Emergency Services for exam keys. All demonstration tasks are completed prior to, during or just after the required training sorties. 

Also, refer to Mission Aircrew SET Demo Tasks for training credit given to Pilots when taking Mission Scanner and Mission Observer courses. 


Mountain Flying Training (MFT) and Mountain Flying Certification (MFC) 

The Mountain Flying Training (MFT) and Mountain Flying Certification (MFC) courses are conducted similar to the aircrew training courses. However, credit is provided at the discretion of the Wing DO and DOV and is based upon the Mountain Flying Plans developed in each RMR Wing. Also, the MFT course exams should be graded by an Instructor or Check Pilot, while the MFC course exam should be graded by a Mountain Flying Certified SET. 

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