Rocky Mountain Region
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Emergency Services - Exercises



- FEMA Quarterly Exercise Program:  The Region VIII of the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducts an aggressive quarter exercise program with various venues and scenarios across the region. It is the intent of the Rocky Mountain Region ES program to participate as much as possible in this series of multi-state exercises. 

-   19-21 September: Fire & Flooding in Southwestern Colorado. This event will exercise only the FEMA R8 Regional Response Coordination Center in Denver, CO

-   11-15  December: Earthquake in Salt Lake City. This event will exercise the FEMA R8 Regional Response Coordination Center and possibly a CAP Unified Command. There may be some live fly activity within CAP by the CO, ID, UT, and WY Wings (See below under Yellow Apron Exercises).

-   19-22 March 2024: Information on this event is not releasable yet.

-   25-28 June 2024: Information on this event is not releasable yet.

-   24-27 September 2024 Information on this event is not releasable yet.

-   10-13 December 2024: Information on this event is not releasable yet.


- FEMA Virtual Table Top (VTTX) Exercise Program:   FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) conducts a series of VTTX using a virtual platform to reach community-based training audiences around the country and provide a virtual forum for disaster training. The VTTX process involves key personnel from the emergency management Community of Practice reviewing a prepackaged set of exercise materials and convening for a 4-hour tabletop exercise discussion of a simulated disaster scenario with a total of 10–15 other Community of Practice groups participating. The event allows the connected sites to assess current plans, policies, and procedures while learning from the other connected sites, as they provide their perspective and practice while exercising a similar situation. An internet
connection is required to take part and will be broadcasted using Zoom; there is no cost for this program. The RMR Emergency Services plans to participate in the following VTTXs and will ask each RMR to provide it Emergency Services Director, Director of Operations, or an Incident Commander qualified member attend. Each attendee will receive an attendance certificate from FEMA.

-   8 November 2023 - River Flooding

-   23-25 January 2024 - Widespread Power Outage

-   20-22 February 2024 - Flash Flooding

-   5-7 March 2024 - Wild Fire


RMR "Rendezvous - Yellow Apron " Exercises

-- Yellow Apron 23/4, 19-21 September 2023, CAP Mission Number 23-T-5742:  This will be a Table Top Exercise conducted at the FEMA Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) in Denver, Colorado. CAP/RMR will have one member (RMR/DOC) representing CAP in the Air Operations Branch. This has a two-part scenario fire and then flood. (COMPLETED)

- Yellow Apron 24/1: 11-16 December 2023. This will involve CAP staffing of FEMA R8 RRCC and training of new personnel to staff the RRCC from CAP. Possible Live Fly Exercise by CO, ID, UT, and WY Wings under one Regional (Distributive) Unified Command. Exercise will involve airborne imagery of a simulated earthquake incident in Salt Lake City.

- Yellow Apron 24/2: 22-23 March 2023 - Scenario, TBD

- Yellow Apron 24/3: 28-29 June 2024 - Scenario, TBD

- Yellow Apron 24/4: 28-29 September 2024 - TBD

- Yellow Apron 25/1: 27-28 September 2024 - TBD

History: The Rocky Mountain "Rendezvous" was an annual rendezvous, held 200 years ago between 1825 and 1840 at various locations across the region and organized by  mountain men. The first Mountain Men organized a group of independent free trappers to the first ever gathering as early as 1815 at the junction of the North Platte and Laramie Rivers.. Such events were held for many years throughout Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Colorado and twice in Montana. The "Yellow Apron" was exchanged between Mountain Men (and some Mountain Women) when they danced, and it became the symbol of the event. Today Rendezvous are still celebrated as gatherings of "like-minded" individuals. The Rocky Mountain Region "Rendezvous" Exercises - "Yellow Apron" Series is being hosted to offer "like minded" CAP ES members to participate in multi-Wing missions; training in regional disaster and other emergency responses. Most of these events will be tied to FEMA quarterly exercises/scenarios.


Colorado - Training & Exercise Calendar | Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (

Idaho - Idaho OEM Learning Management System :: Course Catalog (

Montana - Final-MT-Integrated-Preparedness-Plan-2021.pdf

Utah - Exercises | DPS – Emergency Management (

Wyoming -  Then click on the Training/Exercise Tab at the top of the page. Then click on Upcoming Exercises on left side of page,


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