Emergency Services - Training
Emergency Services Training Resources & Schedules of Classes *.
(* For Exercises and exercise based classes Go to the RMR ES Exercise Link at https://rmr.cap.gov/missions/emergency-services/emergency-services-exercises )
- National Emergency Services Academy (NESA) - Mobile Training Team (MTT) NESA - Mobile Training Team | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters (gocivilairpatrol.com) - Go to sublinks for Course List and Schedule.
- NESA Incident Command School: https://nesa.cap.gov/about/schools/icss
- NESA Mission Aircrew School: https://nesa.cap.gov/about/schools/mas
- NESA Ground SAR School: https://nesa.cap.gov/about/schools/gsar
- FEMA Emergency Management Institute - Independent Study Courses: Emergency Management Institute - Independent Study (IS) | Course List (fema.gov) This is where you can sign up and take IS 100, 200, 700 and 800 classes.
- FEMA EMergency Management Institure - Course Application: DHS-FEMA General Admissions Application
Wyoming - https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=42fd398fa8f449fb930f2d3755c5a1bb Then click on the Training/Exercise Tab at the top of the page. Then click on Upcoming Training on left side of page,
Utah - Training | DPS – Emergency Management (utah.gov) Then scroll down to training and course calendar.
Idaho - Current Course Offerings | Office of Emergency Management (idaho.gov)
Colorado - Training & Exercise Calendar | Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (colorado.gov)
Montana - DES Training Dashboard (arcgis.com)
Aviation Specific Emergency Services Courses:
- Aircrew & Mission Training: Go to Mission Training | RMR CAP
- Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS - Drones): Go to sUAS Ops | RMR CAP
Upcoming Emergency Services Classes
Please see the RMR calendar
FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy - Lakewood, Colorado
The National Emergency Management Basic Academy is designed for individuals pursuing a career in emergency management and provides a foundational education in emergency management knowledge, skills, and abilities.
The goal of the Basic Academy is to support the careers of emergency managers through a training experience combining knowledge of all fundamental systems, concepts, and practices of contemporary emergency management. Read more .
Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP) Overview/ FY24 Application Process
The Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP) is a program designed for advanced exercise practitioners in emergency management exercise design, conduct,
and evaluation. Participants refine and practice skills critical to performing the phases of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) cycle. The Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP) is the pinnacle program in the NationalStandard Exercise Curriculum offered by FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI)
2024 NIMS ICS Position-Specific Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Virtual “K” Course Schedule
The NIMS ICS Position-Specific Train-the-Trainer (TtT) courses are designed to assist the student in preparation to function effectively as an instructor of NIMS ICS Position-Specific courses.
* For more details, course descriptions, and schedules for upcoming classes being offered by the CAP National Emergency Services Academy - Mobile Training Team (NESA-MTT), go to NESA - Mobile Training Team | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters (gocivilairpatrol.com)