Rocky Mountain Region
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Emergency Services - Initiatives & Projects

Rocky Mountain Region Emergency Services (Proposed) Initiatives

- RMR ES Council – First meeting 10 July 2023. This council is to be made up of RMR Wing Emergency Services Directors with the intent of providing Wing input into various regional ES initiatives and projects. 

- RMR ES Webpage - Always a work in progress. 

- Standing RMR Area Command - The RMR Area Command is proposed to be a 365-day a year standing operational headquarters, capable of supporting major and multiple incidents throughout the RMR requiring resource allocation and reallocation to support the multiple, complex, or large incidents/events. 

- FEMA RVIII/X Interface (Exercises, Planning, Conferences): This will begin with meetings in Denver at the FEMA Region Headquarters (Est 19 July 2023) to coordinate on exercises and planned events, as well as Region Response Coordination Center (RRCC) staffing during incidents. 

- IAEM Region VIII/X Interface (Meetings, Training, Conferences, Networking):

- CAPR 60-3 and/or 70-3 Supplement: TBD based upon planned release of CAPR 70-3.

- Multi-state Exercises and Training Opportunities: See on-going exercise schedule that will use FEMA Quarterly schdule as backbone for future exercises. 

- NESA-MTT Engagement: Intent is to increase the number and types of FEMA related Incident Command, Emergency Operations Center, and other courses to support member operation/qualification, and Wing readiness needs. 

- RMR Status of Resources & Training (SORTS): New system to be introduced into CAP to assist with ES Mission Identification, to help with training, exercises, and readiness

  -- Wing ES Mission Statements: Each Wing will be assigned a "Consensus" (meaning agreed to by Wing and RMR) ES Mission statement and specified Pre-Incident Taskings (e.g. the number of available aircrews and, aircraft, Incident Command Posts, Chaplain Support Teams, Ground Teams, Communication Stations, etc) to assist with training and exercises, as well as Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) - regional capabilities identification. 

 -- Quarterly Commander Readiness Assessments: Accomplished to allow Wing Commanders to assess the ES readiness of their personnel, training, and equipment readiness in both objective and subjective means. 

 -- Semi-Annual Commander ES Statistics (COMSTAT): Scheduled twice a year, each Wing Commander will be given the opportunity to meet with the RMR staff to discuss their ES Readiness status and identify any Limiting Factors (LIMFAC), sustainment issues, or shortfalls; with the intent to allow Wing Staff to assist in helping the Wings identify workarounds, funding, training, or other mitigation steps. Assessment tools will include eServices - Commander's Dash, ES Mission Statements, and Pre-Incident Assignments. 

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